
Training projects and identification of business opportunities in shared value in the field of business clusters.

Clients: ACCIÓ

Within the framework of this project, we have focused on the identification, research and development of business opportunities, as well as on operational improvement, with a clear focus on the generation of shared value and the effective integration of corporate sustainability within the business clusters. We have carried out this task by implementing a training programme specifically designed for companies and organisations that are part of the Catalan clusters.

Our work methodology is based on the Shared Value Theory, as proposed by Porter and Kramer in 2011. Through this approach, we have developed a methodological framework that adapts to the particularities of each cluster, ensuring an effective implementation aligned with their specific needs.

In addition, we have introduced and supported the measurement of the social and environmental performance of cluster companies. This has been done through the use of measurement and improvement tools provided by the B Corp standard, with the aim of ensuring transparency and corporate responsibility. Our intervention has been comprehensive, ranging from the initial introduction to the continuous accompaniment of the improvement process, with a practical and results-oriented approach.

Through this project, we have actively contributed to the generation of positive impact by Catalan business clusters, enhancing the generation of shared value and fostering sustainable integration at all corporate levels.

Participating clusters:

Catalan Water Partnership (CWP), Packaging Cluster (PC), KIDS Cluster (KC), Clúster Català de la Indústria de l’Esport (INDESCAT), Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC), Clúster Català de la Moda (MODACC), Tech Tourism Cluster (TTC), CataloniaBio & HealthTech (CBHT), Clúster Salut Mental Catalunya (CSMC), Cluster Food Service (CFS), Southern European Cluster in Photonics & Optics (SECPhO), Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya (CMAV), Beauty Cluster (BC), Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya (CAC), Clúster de mobilitat logística i intermodal (IN-MOVE), Light Mobility Cluster (LMC), Clúster de la Maquinària i els Mitjans de Producció Agrícola (FEMAC), Clúster Vitivinícola Català (INNOVI), Clúster Catalonia Gourmet (CCG), AMBIT Living Spaces Cluster, Clúster d’Il·luminació de Catalunya (CICAT), Clúster Digital de Catalunya (CDC), Clúster Bioenergia Catalunya (CBC), Leather Cluster Barcelona (LCB).

  • Impact business model
    • Business model projection
  • Strategic Definition
    • Strategic definition and reflection


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